Isopod         Composters            
I have decided to just give up on the overfeeding experiment for now.I just don't think two isopods will cut it.I'll try again when i have around 100 or so isopods.I'll have a new experiment journal though.And a general update comming very soon.
I thought i'd be cool to have a few FAQ questions being answered on  this site to get it going.So i'll be trying to make 3 FAQ a week.If you would like a specific questions answered in the FAQ please ask.

Question:How much food is enough?/How much can isopods consume?

Answer:This question really depends on the ammount of isopods.If you have a starter culture of less then 50 i'd suggest not feeding them as much at any given time.I'd just start slow like half a carrot and then increase as the population increases.Every now and again use a diffrent food in a bigger quantaty then usual.This may trigger a population explosion.If you have say 1000 Isopods i'm pretty sure they'd finish half a carrot within a couple hours so i'd give them six carrots [usually 2 for every 20 isopods or so] Then again as you have read in my blog posts you can overfed them,but if your the one who doesn't wanna risk it with a small colony then i'd suggest not doing it.Or at least do it on a smaller scale such as 1 carrot for every 5 isopods.thats a lot though thats like 500 carrots for 1000!So i'd edjust according to how much food you need them to consume.Hope this helps.
This has been asked over and over.Why should you keep isopods?Well here are the main setbacks people say:
-The gross factor
-The weird Factor
-I don't have enough time to maintain a colony
-What can they do for me?

I'll answer them all individually:
The Gross Factor:

Well they may seem gross at first but they are quite fascinating.All it takes is a week and i think 70% of people would fall in love with these fascinating critters.The same goes for the gross factor.

I don't have the time to Maintain a Colony!

Isopods just take 1-3 times a week to maintain even a huge colony of thousands.All you do is mist and feed.

What can they do for me?

They can do a great deal.Do you have lots of old veggies?Don't throw them.Get an isopod colony and feed them that.They help get rid of wastes.Just remember common sense.Colonies can also be placed in moist Tarantula enclosures.They get rid of the old dead things.Such as veggetation and insects.

This is the first of many of my experiments.In this experiment i'll be placing in two whole carrots which for a small colony of two is a lot.Hopefully they finish it all.Then after they are done i'll use a diffrent food item.This will also see what they perfer to eat.I'll keep you updated!
 Okay so in the next few blog posts i'll be talking about isopod experiments.If you would like me to use a specific experiment feel free to ask on the forum:
So far i plan to do an overfeeding project and the good old mass population experiment to see what food driggers a massive isopod colony explosion.It may take awhile but i hope i learn one thing at least from all of it:Patience!I have next to none as far as Patience goes propably why i fail in my life so much.Now onto the first experiment article.
I'm sorry to report that i lost half of the colony i left them outside and they rosted.I guess this is one of the many newbie mistakes i feel that i'll be making.Oh well they are really easy to find here so i'll try to get 8 more tommorow i still have 2 left.My big one is still alive.I have now removed the stuff from enclosure and added in leaves and moistened it.I also added a piece of bark.I thought they'd stay hidden but i guess i was wrong as the big one i have stays near the surface.In about 3 days i'll feed them again same as my other pets.I'll try a whole carrot and see if they eat it in a week or two.Keep you updated!
Okay so on April 2nd i found some isopods underneath some rocks and decided to keep them.So far they are in the tipical small setup.By this i mean a small container that i poked holes into.I then added 1-2cm of soil.Then added some wood for them to climb on.
As far as food goes i just threw in a small carrot.Apperantly isopods are really seen feeding and it seems like they don't eat at all.It could take 2 weeks before the carrot is noticable reduced in size.I'll keep you updated!
Colony Count:
6 Isopods


    Hello i'm koolkid.I'm a breeder of isopods.Which are related to land crabs.If you like the site than feel free to post comments in the blogs that i make.Thanks!


    April 2010



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